Your contact

Quantenelektronische Systeme GmbH
Max-Eyth-Str. 38
Geopark II, entrance B, ground floor
71088 Holzgerlingen

Tel.: +49 7031 20495-100
Fax: +49 7031 20495-169


Coordinates of QEST GmbH:

Latitude: 48,6313° North = 48° 37' 53'' North
Longitude: 09,0317° East = 09° 01' 54'' East

Arriving by plane:

Nearest airport is Stuttgart (airport code STR); to QEST: 30 min by car or taxi.

From Frankfurt airport (FRA) to QEST: 2 hrs by car.

High speed trains connect Frankfurt airport with Stuttgart airport (2 hrs).

Arriving by car:

Stuttgart is at the intersection of the motorway A8 (west-east) and A81 (north-south), see map.

  • Take A81 in south direction (Singen).
  • At the intersection Böblingen-Hulb (Nr. 24), exit onto federal road B464 in direction of Holzgerlingen.
  • After 8.5 km, turn left in direction of Holzgerlingen, industrial area Buch/Sol.
  • Shortly after the railway crossing, turn right into Max-Eyth-Straße.
  • Continue for approx. 1 km to the building Geopark II on the right side. There are parking lots on the back side of the building.
  • Take the entrance B, QEST is on the ground floor.

Journey time from motorway intersection Böblingen-Hulb: approx. 15 min.

Arriving by train:

Nearest railway stations: Böblingen or Stuttgart Airport. Arrange for a pick-up with us or take a taxi from there.

QEST Quantenelektronische Systeme GmbH